Today in Washington – September 5, 2018
September 5, 2018
Source: Jennifer White – Legislative Counsel

Appropriations Watch: The Senate Appropriations Committee plans to hold a conference committee meeting today on a “minibus” appropriations package. Appropriators from the House and Senate will seek to reconcile differences in the spending measure covering Energy and Water Development, Military Construction and Veterans Affairs, and the Legislative Branch. Yesterday on the House side, Republicans named eight members to serve on the conference committee working on the spending package for Defense and Labor-HHS-Education programs. The House voted to formally go to conference with the Senate to reconcile differences between the two chambers’ spending legislation.
• Today, September 5 @11 AM: House Small Business Committee, Surveying Storms: A Deeper Dive into SBA’s Disaster Response, 2360 Rayburn House Office Building.
• Today, September 5 @ 2:30 PM: Appropriations Conference Meeting on Energy and Water Development, Military Construction and Veterans Affairs, SBC 202-203.